The CALIBER™ Leadership Assessment
Culturally Adapted Leadership for Inspired Business Excellence and Results (CALIBER)
- Take the CALIBER Leadership Assessment
- Sample CALIBER Leadership Report
- CALIBER Leadership Psychometric Report
What is The CALIBER™ Leadership Assessment?
CALIBER is the very first 360 degree assessment tool to link leadership behaviors and skills directly to organizational results. This tool gives you the specific knowledge to accelerate the development of managers and leaders in 70 national cultures. Use CALIBER to grow and recruit the right leaders for the right jobs, in the right cultures!
CALIBER is a highly effective, reliable, and validated tool designed to measure an individual’s leadership capacity. It allows the individual to gain an in-depth understanding of his/her leadership practices in 70 national cultures and provides specific result-oriented feedback to accelerate his/her growth in the areas critical to effective organizational performance, stakeholder fulfillment, and global business results.
As a result of CALIBER, organizations learn how to grow/recruit the right leaders for the right jobs in the right cultures for achieving the optimum organizational performance and global business results.
Why do this?
CALIBER represents the latest advances in the field of management. It is widely assumed that leadership plays a pivotal role in guiding organizational performance and business results, but there is no assessment in the industry that directly links leadership to organizational performance and business results. CALIBER fills this void and enables an alignment between leadership and organizational performance and business results.
Leadership is often cited in terms of generalities and as something universal. The latest research confirms that only certain specific behaviors and characteristics make effective leadership and that leadership practices are culture specific and not global (one-size-fits-all). CALIBER provides a specific and action-oriented measurement of leadership across 70 national cultures and accelerates a leader’s growth.
CALIBER is a powerful tool for growing/recruiting the right leaders for the right jobs in the right cultures. It provides leaders with a blueprint for attaining effective organizational performance and business results across the globe.
Who should do this?
CALIBER is ideal for:
- Leaders, managers, and supervisors at all levels
- Leaders, managers, and supervisors in all locations, domestic or international
- Leaders, managers, and supervisors who work with cross cultural teams
- Extended leadership development initiatives
- Employees who need to be reminded of the cross cultural implications in leadership, organizations, and business.
How does it work?
Using CALIBER survey – 1) the leader completes a self-rating, and 2) manager/supervisor, peers, direct reports, and other observers rate the leader.
How is it done?
The survey takes 20 minutes to complete. Survey information is completely confidential. It is easy to use and conveniently available 24/7.
The CALIBER Leadership Report consists of two parts:
- The Assessment Report enables participants to become aware of their strengths and areas of growth from diverse perspectives. It provides participants with profound, culture-specific insights into the ways their strengths and areas of growth affect their performance.
- The Intervention Report helps participants develop their potential for the benefit of both their individual selves and organization. By providing a culture-specific blueprint for development, it allows participants to calibrate the growth opportunities and plan for measurably developing the strengths and areas of growth from plural perspectives.