Executive Coaching
Take this quick coaching quiz to see if you would be a good candidate for Executive Coaching:
Answer these brief survey questions (True or False)*:
1. I have regular access to all of the right individuals that will accelerate my career and life goals?
2. I am reluctant to accept feedback on my development or performance?
3. I recognize that more than 75% of top CEOs who are coached, it was their idea?
4. The skills that I need to grow least are:
a. Conflict Management
b. Listening and Communication
c. Leadership and Delegation
5. Technical skills are more important than soft skills for my success?
6. Coaching is usually provided to managers to who are good performers?
7. I believe that the pace of the practices I am doing right now will make me as successful as quickly as possible?
8. Leaders and successful managers are born and cannot be made?
If you answered False to most of these questions then you are a good candidate for coaching.
Coaching Programs are available from single events to on-going regular sessions. Please contact us for a free consultation session to accelerate your career with measurable results.
*Questions derived from the 2014 Stanford University/The Miles Group survey