Our Leadership Philosophy
We believe that everyone in an organization from Day One should not only be given the opportunity to lead, but also be expected to lead. Organizations can realize their full potential only by tapping into the promise of each and every person. Leading people is not a trivial matter. Leadership is a skill and talent that can be cultivated given the right focus and resources. In our journey across 70 nations we have learned two critically important things about leadership:
- One size does not fit all. National culture plays a significant role in the level of organizational and business results that can be achieved.
- Most companies and organizations have the right people. However, people engage in their work at their maximum potential only when their leaders take interest in understanding and accommodating their behaviors, values, and learning styles.
The Leader of OZ presents the 10 dimensions of marvelous leadership:
1) Authenticity, 2) Communication, 3) Competence, 4) Confidence, 5) Creativity, 6) Cultural Leadership, 7) Empowerment, 8) Reinforcement, 9) Stewardship, and 10) Visionary Leadership.
You can request an executive briefing or keynote speech to bring the marvelous leadership secrets of OZ to your organization. Explore our web site for more information about our proven management and leadership programs, assessments and solutions.