TASK Quotient™ (TQ) Assessment
5/07 – Human Capital Magazine has awarded Dr. Gazzara “Future HR Leader award” for his work with the Task QuotientTM (TQ™) Assessment Tool.
Here are two 5-minute videos on how consultants and clients use the Task Quotient:
What is Task Quotient™?
The Task Quotient assessment provides managers and individuals the ideal percentage of personal work task preferences (routine, trouble-shooting and project) to maximize motivation and job satisfaction. The TQ process provides a prescription to realign employees, with verified improved results in empowerment and employee engagement in the workplace.
The Task Quotient is an on-line assessment tool, by Target Training International (TTI), that quickly identifies individual’s; 1) Ideal, 2) Actual and 3) Optimized work environments through a series of 45 questions. The work environments are based on the split of the 3 task types (routine, trouble-shooting and project). The concept is based upon the research conducted by Dr. Gazzara for his doctoral dissertation on Determining and Aligning Employee Ideal Task Mixture at work to maximize individual productivity and job satisfaction (Copyright 2002). Based on the data collected from the study it was proven that, with statistical significance (p value = 0.00), identifying and aligning an individual’s ideal task mixture (TQ) to job activities created a higher level of job satisfaction.
Why do this?
Employees do not recognize or understand their ideal task mixture, which could allow them to obtain/maintain optimal job and personal satisfaction. This non-ideal/non-optimized condition can translate into reduced job performance and additional managerial overhead, since employees do not have the ability to self-monitor and self-motivate themselves using TQ in their own work environment. The Task Quotient approach fills this void and enables employee alignment to maximize business results.
Who should do this?
Any organization that wants to significantly improve their employees and their workplace. The Task Quotient can be use at any level and in any size organization. It is designed for individuals to get a deeper understanding of their motivators and for managers to gain insight to the level of alignment or misalignment of their employees to their job tasks.
How does it work and how is it done?
Individuals or teams complete the Task Quotient on-line assessment. Fifteen page reports are generated and provided to the individual. This information can be used or shared in a 1-on-1 with the manager or in a team setting to realign work tasks.
The Task Quotient on-line assessment takes 10 minutes to complete. Survey information is completely confidential.